Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Relative assignments from our last meeting

I just wanted to touch base on a couple of things as a reminder. I'm so scatter brained sometimes it's nice to have multiple reminders. There were a couple of items from our last meeting that we can be doing to help our youth complete their Trail of Faith as well as help in preparation for Trek. Packing lists- If you haven't already done so (and probably even if you have) can we find a way to get the packing list to the parents? There have been several questions concerning items needed and this will be helpful in fielding some of those questions. Work Outs- Remind your youth that they are holding Trek Prep workouts at the park on Partridge every Sat morning. It'd be great if we could really get our "kids" there to participate. It will of course help with their physical preparation for trek but it will be beneficial just in terms of regular exercise. Motto- Keep thinking of a ward motto. I lack in creativity so I'm counting on riding the shirt tails of the rest of you on this one. We are 18 days from our Bishop's Challenge Hike from Draper to SLC! Remind the youth that they should be walking several times a week and hopefully they are getting excited for this opportunity.

Monday, March 31, 2014


If we can help out the clothing ladies can we Ma's get in touch with each of our youth and see exactly which youth will need clothing. Get in touch with myself and I will make sure Sis Flint gets the info.

Training schedule...

I found a walking marathon training schedule. This may help some of us that need someone to tell us what to do. It didn't copy over exactly and it's making me insane trying to fix it but you get the jist Monday and Friday - Rest Day - No workout Tuesday and Thursday - Walk at a comfortable, but determined trainining pace for the designated mileage. Wednesday - Crosstraining - Participate in an easy crosstraining activity for 30 - 45 minutes. Saturday - Distance day - Walk for the designated mileage at a comfortable pace. Beginning with week 6 alternate weeks are shorter walks done at a slightly faster pace. Try to do weeks 10 and 12 at your goal "race" pace* . Sunday - Recovery - Walk at a comfortable pace or participate in easy crosstraining for 30 minutes. Notes: Warmup and cool down time is included in the prescribed time each day. Stretching will require additional time. We also recommend that all walkers include strength training in their training routine. A few exercises two or three days a week is a good start. To compliment this schedule strength training can be done on Tuesday, and Thursday or Friday. Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 1 Rest Day 3 miles CT 3 miles Rest Day 4 miles EZ or CT 2 Rest Day 3 miles CT 3 miles Rest Day 5 miles EZ or CT 3 Rest Day 3 miles CT 3 miles Rest Day 6 miles EZ or CT 4 Rest Day 3 miles CT 3 miles Rest Day 7 miles EZ or CT 5 Rest Day 3 miles CT 3 miles Rest Day 8 miles EZ or CT 6 Rest Day 3 miles CT 4 miles Rest Day 6 miles EZ or CT 7 Rest Day 3 miles CT 4 miles Rest Day 9 miles EZ or CT 8 Rest Day 4 miles CT 4 miles Rest Day 6 miles EZ or CT 9 Rest Day 4 miles CT 4 miles Rest Day 11 miles EZ or CT 10 Rest Day 4 miles CT 4 miles Rest Day 8 miles * EZ or CT 11 Rest Day 4 miles CT 4 miles Rest Day 13 miles EZ or CT 12 Rest Day 4 miles CT 4 miles Rest Day 8 miles * EZ or CT 13 Rest Day 3 miles CT 3 miles Rest Day 6 miles EZ or CT 14 Rest Day 2 miles 2 miles Rest Day 20 minutes Half Marathon Rest Day

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Beehives and Deacons

We received an email earlier this week that listed our beehive and deacon "children". Please be sure to invite them to do the trail of faith with us and get them a copy of the sheet from the stake. If you need a copy of the sheet then let me know I have plenty. I'd be interested in hearing from you all as to how your contacts have come and if you have any of the youth from your trek family that you know are working on their trail of faith and even how many miles everyone has! Keep up the good work!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Mess Kits

I pinned it to my Pinterest board but wanted to make sure all of you non-pinners have access to it to. I've included with this post a link to a tutorial on making the mess kit bag. If any of your "children" don't have a mess kit already or if you don't, this is a great way to do it.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Scripture tricks

I received a tip last night from one of the other Ma's that she uses with her real family. It can easily be adapted to fit our trek families. She wrote the scripture on a poster board and each night before family prayer they recite it. I plan on using a similar idea and emailing the youth the scripture with words missing to see if they can email me back what part of the scripture is missing. You can take the origional idea and print it up or use it in someway as a handout that the kids can keep next to their beds to recite prior to saying their nightly prayers. “I am grateful for the example of the first pioneers of the Church who were willing to give everything, even their lives, for the wonderful work they had embraced,” he said. “we have obtained a lot of courage to confront our own adversities by learning of the great sacrifices they made.”